Class Recommended

  extended by edu.cmu.minorthird.ui.Recommended

public class Recommended
extends java.lang.Object

In Minorthird it is possible to build up constructs like learners, feature extractors, and so on compositionally, out of simpler pieces. This class contains pre-configured "recommended" instances of some common learners, feature extractors, etc.

William Cohen

Nested Class Summary
static class Recommended.BoostedDecisionTreeLearner
          Uses AdaBoost to boosts the default decision tree learner 10 times.
static class Recommended.BoostedStumpLearner
          Uses AdaBoost to boosts a two-level decision tree learner 100 times.
static class Recommended.CascadingBinaryLearner
static class Recommended.CRFAnnotatorLearner
          Implements the CRF algorithm.
static class Recommended.DecisionTreeLearner
          A simple decision tree learner.
static class Recommended.DocumentFE
          A simple bag-of-words feature extractor.
static class Recommended.HMMAnnotatorLearner
          a hidden Markov model (HMM), by zkou
static class Recommended.HMMTokenFE
static class Recommended.KnnLearner
          K-NN learner following Yang and Chute.
static class Recommended.MaxEntLearner
          A maximum entropy learner.
static class Recommended.MEMMLearner
          Uses logistic regression/Maximum entropy to learn a condition Markov model (CMM), aka "maxent Markov model" (MEMM).
static class Recommended.MostFrequentFirstLearner
static class Recommended.MultitokenSpanFE
          An extraction-oriented feature extractor to apply to multi-token spans.
static class Recommended.NaiveBayes
          Multinomial Naive Bayes, as in McCallum's Rainbow package.
static class Recommended.OneVsAllLearner
static class Recommended.SemiCRFAnnotatorLearner
          Learns a semi-Markovian extension of CRFs.
static class Recommended.SVMCMMLearner
          Uses probabilistic SVM to learn a condition Markov model (CMM).
static class Recommended.SVMLearner
          A simple SVM learner with a linear kernel.
static class Recommended.TokenFE
          An extraction-oriented feature extractor, which should be applied to one-token spans.
static class Recommended.TokenPropUsingFE
          A simple bag-of-words feature extractor, with words being put in lower case.
static class Recommended.TweakedLearner
          A Tweaked Learner, with an optimization of the precision vs.
static class Recommended.VotedPerceptronLearner
          Voted perceptron learning following Freund & Schapire.
static class Recommended.VPCMMLearner
          Uses the voted perceptron algorithm to learn a "conditional Markov model" (CMM).
static class Recommended.VPHMMLearner
          Uses the voted perceptron algorithm to learn a parameters of a hidden Markov model (HMM).
static class Recommended.VPSMMLearner
          Uses the voted perceptron algorithm to learn the parameters for a hidden semi-Markov model (SMM).
static class Recommended.VPSMMLearner2
          Uses the voted perceptron algorithm to learn the parameters for a hidden semi-Markov model (SMM).
static class Recommended.VPTagLearner
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Recommended()