Package edu.cmu.minorthird.text.learn

Interface Summary
ExtractorAnnotator An annotator that uses a learned extractor to mark up document spans.
MixupCompatible Marker interface for SpanFeatureExtractor objects which allow one to attach a type of required annotations that must be present before feature extraction starts.
OnlineTextClassifierLearner Interface for OnlineLearner.
SpanFeatureExtractor Converts a span to an instance.
TextClassifier Provides a way to find the score of a String rather than an instance

Class Summary
AbstractBatchAnnotatorLearner Learn an annotation model using a sequence dataset and some sort of batch learner.
AnnotationExample Feedback for an annotation learner.
AnnotatorLearner Learn an Annotator from AnnotationExample's.
AnnotatorTeacher Train a AnnotatorLearner and return the learned Annotator, using some unspecified source of information to get AnnotationExample's to train the learner.
BeginContinueEndUniqueReduction Reducing an extraction task to tagging tokens as one of five categories.
BeginContinueOutsideReduction Reduces an extraction task to tagging tokens as one of three categories.
BinaryTextClassifier Class the returns the score of a string rather than an instance
ClassifierAnnotator An annotator that uses a learned Classifier to mark up document spans.
ConditionalSemiMarkovModel Learn to annotate based on a conditional semi-markov model, learned from examples.
ConditionalSemiMarkovModel.CSMMLearner A learner for ConditionalSemiMarkovModel's.
ConditionalSemiMarkovModel.CSMMWithDictionarySpanFE Feature extractor for providing distance-based features on terms.
ConfidenceReportingSequenceAnnotator Wraps an Annotator learned by SequenceAnnotatorLearner with code to compute confidences for each extracted span.
Extraction2TaggingReduction A scheme for reducing an extraction task to a tagging task.
ExtractorAnnotatorWrapper Wraps an ExtractorAnnotator with some code to implement a simple API.
ExtractorNameMatcher A name matching scheme on top of a given extractor, fit for spanTypes depicting personal names.
ExtractorTweaker Allows one to adjust the parameters of a learned extractor.
FeatureBuffer Buffers features constructed using the SpanFE.SpanResult subclasses.
FilteredFinder Finds spans by filtering a list of proposed candidates with a classifier.
FreqAnal Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
InsideOutsideReduction Reducing an extraction task to tagging tokens as inside the type to extract, or outside the type to extract.
MultiClassifierAnnotator An annotator that uses a learned Classifier to mark up document spans.
NameMatcher A name matching scheme on top of a given extractor, fit for spanTypes depicting personal names.
OnlineBinaryTextClassifierLearner Provides a way to Edit document labels and add them to the learner
SampleClassificationProblem Some sample inputs to facilitate testing.
SampleExtractionProblem Some sample inputs to facilitate testing.
SampleFE Some sample feature extractors.
SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE A feature extractor that pre-loads a mixup file or some other type of annotation.
SampleFE.ExtractionFE An extraction-oriented feature extractor to apply to one-token spans, for extraction tasks.
SegmentAnnotatorLearner Learn an annotation model using a SegmentDataset dataset and a BatchSequenceClassifierLearner.
SequenceAnnotatorLearner Learn an annotation model using a sequence dataset and a BatchSequenceClassifierLearner.
SpanFE A Feature Extractor which converts a Span to an Instance.
SpanFE.Filter An abstract class that can be used to filter SpanSetResults.
SpanFE.Function An abstract class that can be used to change SpanSets
SpanFE.Result Encodes an intermediate result of the SpanFE process.
SpanFE.SetResult<T> An intermediate result of a SpanFE process where the object being operated on is a Set of something.
SpanFE.SpanResult An intermediate result of an SpanFE process where a span is being processed.
SpanFE.SpanSetResult An intermediate result of a SpanFE process where the object being operated on is a set of spans.
SpanFE.StringBagResult An intermediate result of a SpanFE process where the object being operated on is a set of strings.
SpanFE.TokenSetResult An intermediate result of a SpanFE process where the object being operated on is a set of tokens.
StartEndLengthAnnotator Annotator based on classifiers for start, labels, and length.
TextLabelsAnnotatorTeacher Train an AnnotationExample from a previously annotated corpus (stored in a TextLabels).