Class SampleFE

  extended by edu.cmu.minorthird.text.learn.SampleFE

public class SampleFE
extends java.lang.Object

Some sample feature extractors.

William Cohen

Nested Class Summary
static class SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE
          A feature extractor that pre-loads a mixup file or some other type of annotation.
static class SampleFE.BagOfLowerCaseWordsFE
static class SampleFE.BagOfWordsFE
static class SampleFE.ExtractionFE
          An extraction-oriented feature extractor to apply to one-token spans, for extraction tasks.
Field Summary
static SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE BAG_OF_LC_WORDS
          Simple bag of words feature extractor, with all tokens converted to lower case.
static SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE BAG_OF_WORDS
          Simple bag of words feature extractor.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Test case to try out the feature extractors
static SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE makeExtractionFE(int featureWindowSize)
          A simple extraction-oriented feature extractor to apply to one-token spans, for extraction tasks.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE BAG_OF_WORDS
Simple bag of words feature extractor.


public static final SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE BAG_OF_LC_WORDS
Simple bag of words feature extractor, with all tokens converted to lower case.

Constructor Detail


public SampleFE()
Method Detail


public static final SampleFE.AnnotatedSpanFE makeExtractionFE(int featureWindowSize)
A simple extraction-oriented feature extractor to apply to one-token spans, for extraction tasks.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Test case to try out the feature extractors