Interface MutableTextLabels

All Superinterfaces:
MonotonicTextLabels, TextLabels
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MutableTextLabels
extends MonotonicTextLabels

Maintains assertions about 'types' and 'properties' of Spans. Assertions can be added or deleted.

William Cohen

Method Summary
 void closeTypeInside(java.lang.String type, Span s)
          Make it the case that there are no spans of the given type contained by the given span, other than those already inserted to exist.
 void defineTypeInside(java.lang.String type, Span s, java.util.Iterator<Span> i)
          Make it the case that there are no spans whatsoever of the given type contained by the given span, other than those described by the given span looper.
 void setTextBase(TextBase textBase)
          Initialize the textbase which is annotated by this TextLabels.
Methods inherited from interface edu.cmu.minorthird.text.MonotonicTextLabels
addToType, addToType, declareType, defineDictionary, defineDictionary, defineTrie, getAnnotatorLoader, getTrie, setAnnotatedBy, setAnnotatorLoader, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty
Methods inherited from interface edu.cmu.minorthird.text.TextLabels
annotateWith, closureIterator, closureIterator, getDetails, getProperty, getProperty, getSpanProperties, getSpansWithProperty, getSpansWithProperty, getTextBase, getTokenProperties, getTypes, getTypeSet, hasDictionary, hasType, inDict, instanceIterator, instanceIterator, isAnnotatedBy, isType, require, require, showTokenProp

Method Detail


void closeTypeInside(java.lang.String type,
                     Span s)
Make it the case that there are no spans of the given type contained by the given span, other than those already inserted to exist.


void defineTypeInside(java.lang.String type,
                      Span s,
                      java.util.Iterator<Span> i)
Make it the case that there are no spans whatsoever of the given type contained by the given span, other than those described by the given span looper.


void setTextBase(TextBase textBase)
Initialize the textbase which is annotated by this TextLabels. This produces an error if the current textbase has already been set.