Class MultiClassifierTeacher

  extended by edu.cmu.minorthird.classify.multi.MultiClassifierTeacher
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class MultiClassifierTeacher
extends java.lang.Object

Interface for something that trains multi label classifiers.

Cameron Williams

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  java.util.Iterator<MultiExample> examplePool()
          Labeled instances that will be sent to the multiLearner via a call to addExample().
protected abstract  boolean hasAnswers()
          Return true if this teacher can answer more queries.
protected abstract  java.util.Iterator<Instance> instancePool()
          Unlabeled instances, which will be provided to the multiLearner via setInstancePool().
protected abstract  MultiExample labelInstance(Instance query)
          Label an Instance chosen by the multiLearner.
protected abstract  MultiExampleSchema schema()
          The set of classes that will be used.
 MultiClassifier train(ClassifierLearner learner)
          Train a ClassifierLearner and return the learned Classifier, using some unspecified source of information to get labels.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MultiClassifierTeacher()
Method Detail


public final MultiClassifier train(ClassifierLearner learner)
Train a ClassifierLearner and return the learned Classifier, using some unspecified source of information to get labels.


protected abstract MultiExampleSchema schema()
The set of classes that will be used.


protected abstract java.util.Iterator<MultiExample> examplePool()
Labeled instances that will be sent to the multiLearner via a call to addExample().


protected abstract java.util.Iterator<Instance> instancePool()
Unlabeled instances, which will be provided to the multiLearner via setInstancePool(). These can be used for semi-supervised multiLearner, or to form queries for active learning. .


protected abstract MultiExample labelInstance(Instance query)
Label an Instance chosen by the multiLearner. Return null if the query can't be answered, otherwise return a labeled version of the instance (an Example).


protected abstract boolean hasAnswers()
Return true if this teacher can answer more queries.